četrtek, 12. februar 2009

Photo Project - Landscapes

Nature vs. culture

(photos are made in style of Robert Adams)

This kind of contradictive, but in the same time for people self-evident relationship I wanted to represent in photographs with very simple, but efficient title; landscapes are becoming more and more important places, some kind of a “playground” for our society to fulfill their wishes and “needs”: to build different shaped houses, to create roads, freeways, for “connecting” people but consequently to change and destroy the natural life on Earth.

2 komentarja:

Tomaž. pravi ...

kul fotke, samo tazadni bi mogu še mal adjustments nabit;)

Matej Molek pravi ...

hehe, hvala za kompliment, bom jo še mau obdelu, drugač pa zdej prihaja nova zadeva gor ;D